Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

What is Blockchain?

Focus on Cryptocurrency Technology

Block Chain, Cryptocurrency Prices, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR. Euro to Dollar.

Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

Whether you're a Cryptocurrency enthusiast or just looking to diversify your assets through virtual currencies, you've most likely heard of blockchain, the technology used by Bitcoin and company. What is it really for? Who invented it? Could we extend its use to more areas? Taco tax takes stock!

Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

What is blockchain technology?

How does blockchain technology work ? If you want invest in bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, it is interesting to understand why this technology could revolutionize the worlds of economics, banking or even insurance through its different uses:

The transfer of assets of all kinds,

The registers to trace products as assets,

The smart contracts autonomous.

Who invented the blockchain?

In 2008, the stock market crash and the ensuing global economic crisis exposed the flaws in the banking system as we know it. Many detractors of the banks have pointed out the lack of trust that citizens now feel in these institutions.


Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

In this context, a person, or a group of people, answering the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto conceptualized the first blockchain (or chain of blocks in French) in November 2008, with the primary objective of creating a network of peer-to-peer exchanges. to-peer without having to go through a trusted third party, in other words, the banks.

In 2009, Nakamoto's first blockchain was implemented and at the same time gave birth to the most famous cryptocurrency and the most popular: Bitcoin .


Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

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How does the blockchain work?

The blockchain technology - technology or chain blocks in French - to store and transmit information in a transparent and safe. When we talk about Bitcoin, and more generally cryptocurrencies , we often find the blockchain at the center of attention. As a database, it records all the transactions carried out : it is a register that contains the complete list of all the transactions that have existed on its network. We speak of a decentralized database , since it does not call on any central control institution.

Imagined in response to a problem with the current system, which is the obligation to trust a third party to manage your money, in this case the banks, the blockchain is a system where it is possible to transfer money without go through his banker… but by managing ourselves a register containing each person's transactions .


Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

Forget the wiki and other books “for dummies”, the explanation of the blockchain, it's right here:


Take as an example a group of 5 people who want to become independent from banks to manage their money transfers. Each of these people knows how much money each person has, but does not know their identity, since a number serves as their name. In our example, we will therefore have five people with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each of these people has access to a blank page and must note each transaction carried out . For example, if N ° 2 wants to send € 10 to N ° 4:

N ° 2 announces that he wishes to transfer the sum of € 10 to N ° 4.

N ° 1, N ° 3, N ° 4 and N ° 5 verify that N ° 2 has indeed 10 €.

If so, they will all write down on their blank page the date and time of the transaction, its amount, the number of the person sending the money - No.2 here - and the number of the person. who receives the money - No. 4 here.

The transaction is then completed, and N ° 4 will receive the € 10 from N ° 2 after a short delay.

Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

The more time passes, the more the members of this group will send each other money: each transaction will continue to be listed on the page. But there is a maximum number of transactions to note per page. In this example, we will say that a maximum of 10 transactions can be noted on a blank page. What to do when it is full? Each member of the group must seal the page with a key . This key is a value which must be searched by each member of the group and must be common to all pages.

Once the key is found, we seal the page to ensure that no one can modify its content, and we store it in a folder where it will remain indefinitely. In our example, the white pages are actually blocks , and the file, a blockchain .

Note that there are two types of blockchains: public ones which are open to all Internet users, and private ones whose access is obviously limited.

Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

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A reward system

To seal a page, you have to use what is called the hash . Indeed, before this blockchain system, banks were the ones who had to ensure that the transaction register was untouchable so as not to alter the data present on it. In blockchain technology, all users of this system help to secure the network .

Hashing works at proof of work , and the goal here will be to determine an input value that generates an output value. When a page is full, all users must search for the key to seal the block. This key is actually a value to be added to the number of transactions on the block which allows to obtain a certain output value.

The first person to find this key announces it to other users so that everyone can verify that the calculation is correct. If this is the case, everyone will write this key on their page (therefore their block) to seal it and store it in a file (therefore in a blockchain). If a person in the group obtains a different result from the others, it is because an error has occurred on his page, he must therefore delete it and copy someone else's, since it is mandatory to have a valid block in a blockchain to be part of the network.

Finding this key takes a lot of work, time, and computing power . What motivates the researchers of this key, which is also called minors, this is the reward offered! The first to find the key earns fractions of cryptocurrency , Bitcoin or otherwise, as a reward to help secure the network. This is how Bitcoin is mined and created.

Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

Blockchain in cryptocurrency

Who uses blockchain?

Unveiled in broad daylight thanks to Bitcoin, blockchain technology is initially based on the use of a virtual currency: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. But its primary strengths (decentralization, security and transparency) allow it to be applied to a wide variety of areas today:

Insurance , with in particular AXA which offers delay cover via an automatic transfer,

Investment in the stock market , with the ST8 platform which offers crypto assets to start-ups,

Food , with the Carrefour brand in France which uses blockchain for better food traceability,

Art , with the digitization and division of work into tokens of all sizes,

Video games , with the digitization of equipment exchangeable via tokens, used in particular by Ubisoft.

Many cryptocurrencies are traded on their own blockchain network : we are thinking in particular of Ethereum, the main opponent to Bitcoin on the cryptocurrency market, which revolutionized the use of blockchain.


Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.

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 More and more applications

Although relatively recent, blockchain technology already has several applications today. As mentioned previously, the food traceability used by Carrefour makes it possible, via a QR code, to know the origins of the products. On the insurer side, automatic compensation is made possible by the blockchain while the security of commercial transactions and disintermediation in advertising are constantly evolving.

The Bitcoin blockchain is obviously the best known: it is public and therefore allows Bitcoins (BTC) to be mined. Or buy some, sell, or store. Besides blockchain, investors crypto monnaie must also use a wallet (wallet) to store their assets crypto, and then share with other users, or in exchange for goods or services.


Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR.
Block Chain, Pi Cryptocurrency, lite Coin Price, What Cryptocurrency, Dollar to Euro, Pound to PKR, USD to INR, Currency Converter, Exchange Rate, Dollar to PKR

The Ethereum blockchain and its Ether cryptocurrency (ETH) are also on the rise, since it makes it possible to set up smart contracts , or autonomous programs, which will automatically carry out certain pre-validated actions.

For more information on this subject, you will find many websites on the principle of blockchain, “info” sections to explore the cryptocurrency market, and examples of use. The website also allows you toto buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies by creating a personal space for you using a login and a password.

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