Afghanistan: Enlarged Meeting of the G20 before the Meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome

Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan

An extraordinary G20 summit on Afghanistan, extended to include other participants, including the United Nations, Qatar or Spain and the Netherlands, is being held this Tuesday, October 12. This is an aside leading up to the face-to-face leadership meeting in Rome on October 30 and 31. The head of the Italian government, who holds the presidency of the G20, says he wants to find common objectives on three main axes.


Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan


By convening this extraordinary summit, Mario Draghi assures that he wants above all to put the humanitarian emergency at the heart of the discussions, because the health system in Afghanistan is on the verge of collapse, as several NGOs on the spot have warned.


“It is the duty of the richest countries in the world to do something to prevent this humanitarian catastrophe from spreading in the country “, underlined the head of the Italian government.


Second axis: the leaders must agree on “the means necessary to prevent Afghanistan from once again becoming a hotbed of international terrorism” and that the Taliban regime “be clear on the condemnation and non-cooperation with all groups Islamist terrorists in the region”.


Because since mid-August, the attacks perpetrated by the Islamic State group have multiplied: the most recent, last Friday, near a mosque in the city of Kunduz, killed nearly 60 people. 


Finally, on the recognition of the Taliban regime, Rome said that the systematic violation of women's rights and the lack of respect for gender equality made it impossible. But Mario Draghi still urged foreign governments to guarantee financial support for Afghan civilians.




Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan
Afghanistan: enlarged meeting of the G20 before the meeting in Rome | New Development in Afghanistan


Meeting between Taliban leaders and a delegation of the European Union in Doha


“We want actions, not words, “sums up a European diplomatic source. Translation: the Taliban must take action on human rights, including women's rights, if they want to be able to maintain relations with the West, reports our special envoy to Qatar,


For now, the Taliban are struggling to prove that they have changed. On Monday, October 11, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres deplored “the broken promises” of the new masters of Afghanistan. This Tuesday in Doha, the Taliban are notably represented by the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Amir Khan Muttaqi. On the European Union side, special envoys for Afghanistan from different EU countries are on the front line for this dialogue. Caution from Europe which speaks of “an informal exchange, at a technical level, which does not constitute recognition “of the Taliban government.


As with the US / Taliban discussions in recent days, Qatar confirms its status as an intermediary. Active on the diplomatic level but also on the ground with yesterday a new evacuation flight from Kabul, the 7th since the departure of the last American soldier from Afghanistan.

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