Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died

Abdul Qadeer Khan, father of the atomic bomb in Pakistan is dead

Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died,

Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died
Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died

Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan died this Sunday, October 10 at the age of 85.  His funeral gathered many admirers, who consider him a national hero.

The scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, father of the Pakistani nuclear industry died this Sunday, October 10 at the age of 85 years. His funeral gathered many admirers, who consider him a national hero.

10 OCT 2021

Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, known among other things for making Pakistan a nuclear power, died at the age of 85. Hospitalized several times since August, he had tested positive for Covid-19.

To his admirers, he was a national hero. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistani scientist known in particular to be the father of the atomic bomb in Pakistan died this Sunday, October 10 at the age of 85 years. According to state television PTV, his death was linked to lung problems. Positive for Covid-19, his condition deteriorated this Sunday morning.


Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died
Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died

The disappearance of a national hero

His death generated a wave of sadness across the country. Prime Minister Imran Khan said he was "deeply saddened" by the death of the scientist. He also underlined his "crucial contribution to making us a nuclear weapon state." "


However, his career has been marked by controversy. He was notably accused of having illegally distributed technologies to several countries, such as North Korea, Libya and Iran in the 1990s. It is for this reason that he was placed under house arrest in 2004. He then admitted to engaging in proliferation activities. His placement under house arrest ended in 2009, by a court decision. However, he remained subject to close protection. 

Moreover, if his main contribution to his country's nuclear program was the design of centrifuges, allowing uranium to be brought to a concentration rate suitable for the manufacture of weapons, he is accused of having stolen this technology from the Netherlands. Low when he worked there. In 1990, he admitted that it was not possible to manufacture everything in Pakistan and that he had obtained parts from abroad.


Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died
Doctor Abdul Qadeer Kahn was Died, Pakistani Nuclear Father was dead, Pakistani Atomic Here was died

Nuclear deterrence

The successes of nuclear weapons in Pakistan came as India was developing its own program: its first nuclear test took place in 1974. The two countries were also in conflict over the Kashmir region, a conflict that recurs regularly. 

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