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Weather Forecast Technologies

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Weather Today, Weather Report, Local Weather, National Weather Service, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update.

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

Japan's weather forecasting technologies are getting more accurate year by year. Weather forecasting in Japan is done using a combination of observations of the Earth's surface, supercomputers, satellites in space, and various other methods. They help people's economic and social life while helping prevent disasters. This article examines Japan's constantly evolving weather forecasting technologies.


Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

Weather forecast in Japan

Japan has always been hit by heavy rains, typhoons and other natural disasters, so the ancient Japanese were already devoting their efforts to the development of weather forecasting technologies. Today, Japanese forecasters make overall decisions based on the collection of various observational data and numerical predictions made by supercomputers or other devices, while also referring to observational data from satellites and aircraft. Meteorological radars and the Amadeus system. Using this data, forecasters make weather reports, issue alerts and provide all kinds of information. The Amadeus (Automatic Meteorological Data Acquisition System) of the Meteorological Agency of Japan automatically sends measurement data regarding precipitation, wind direction and speed, air temperature, humidity as well as other information collected by around 1,300 stations. Amadeus is also used to map the risks of heavy rains, floods and other natural disasters. The system analyzes the rainfall information from the radars and combines this information with that of past disasters to create color-coded images every 10 minutes showing areas at potential risk.

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

Contribution to other countries of the world through observations from space

   Japan's weather observations gained space in 1977. Currently, two satellites, Himawari 8 (since 2014) and Himawari 9 (since 2016), coordinate to observe the weather. These weather satellites orbit at the same speed as the Earth's rotation and continuously observe weather phenomena such as typhoons, depressions and fronts. There are very few vantage points at sea for observing typhoons and therefore it is particularly important to use satellites to monitor them. Himawari 8 and 9 embed a dynamic high-frequency observation function in order to observe a given point every 2.5 minutes, thus making it possible to automatically follow the evolution of typhoons and to observe them attentively.

In addition, the Japan Meteorological Agency operates a service called Himawari Request which uses satellites to make observations in response to requests from meteorological agencies in other countries. The satellites observe the affected areas within one hour of receiving the request and send the observation data in real time. Countries that receive data through this service can remain vigilant and take action against natural disasters at an early stage. Thus, the Himawari satellites contribute to the reduction of disaster risks also in other countries.

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

Supercomputers with increasingly precise forecasts

Weather forecasts in Japan have seen a dramatic increase in accuracy thanks to advances in numerical forecasts and technological innovations in computers. Since 1959, the Meteorological Agency of Japan has used a huge computer and continues to make improvements. Currently, the agency uses the Cray XC50 (theoretical maximum performance of 18 pet flops and main storage memory of 528 terabytes), its 10th supercomputer dedicated to weather. This machine uses 17 forecast models to calculate changes in wind, temperature and other factors over time to predict the atmospheric situation.

   The K computer was the first computer in the world to provide a simulation of the entire Earth with extremely high image resolution. In 2015, he showed that it was possible to predict the onset of a typhoon almost two weeks in advance. With the latest Fugaku supercomputer, research and development work is aimed at predicting, at an early stage and using numerical forecasts, the appearance of heavy concentrated rains and other phenomena. This system uses observation big data sent every 10 minutes by Himawari 8 and other devices.


Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

The TOKYO SKYTREE tower, a meteorological research station

TOKYO SKYTREE Tower (634 meters high; approximately 2,080 feet) is known to be the tallest free-standing broadcast tower in the world. It is also a valuable research station for the planet, with observation facilities for studying the atmosphere above the city. Thanks to its height, the tower contributes to cutting-edge research. At 497 meters (about 1,631 feet), research is being carried out to understand the properties of lightning above the city, while at 458 meters (about 1.503 feet), aerosols are collected in the atmosphere and research Analytical tests are performed on particles that freeze cloud droplets. At 250 meters (approximately 820 feet), research is being done on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that are released from Tokyo. Research at this level should make it possible to define the origin of these emissions (especially if the gases come from plants or fossil fuels).

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

Professor Ryohei Misumi of the National Research Institute of Earth Sciences and Disaster Prevention observes the cloud droplets from facilities located in the tower, 458m above the ground. This is what he tells us: “The TOKYO SKYTREE tower allows us to measure the size and number of cloud droplets inside clouds and make precise comparisons with data from radar monitoring the clouds. Currently, we can detect rain 17 minutes before it starts to rain and our goal is to be able to detect sudden heavy rains and other phenomena at an early stage. We hope that people who work outdoors in particular can take advantage of these 17 minutes to take action to protect their lives. "

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

   In recent years, the frequency of heavy rains and extreme heat has increased due to climate change and various factors. The results of a simulation of a future increase in air temperature obtained with a model of the Earth system were revealed in 2004, causing a shock worldwide.

The Japan Agency for Land and Marine Science and Technology developed its own model of the Earth system and gained worldwide attention in 2018 when it used AI in its weather forecast to detect a week in advance. The appearance of a tropical cyclone with great precision.

Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update
Japan Weather, Weather Forecasting, Weather, Weather Tomorrow, Forecast, Google Weather, Weather Near Me, Weather Update

AI has been used to analyze a large number of tropical cyclone images.  (Images provided by the Japan Agency for Land and Marine Science and Technology)

  In Japan, national institutions and private companies are actively pursuing research and development using AI, and weather forecasting has also made use of AI. We need to keep our eyes open for future weather forecasting technologies and the advanced research that is continually being carried out to reduce climate damage, prevent and prepare for natural disasters, and help solve environmental problems in the world. Planet.

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