Is Instagram reels the same as TikTok? Will Instagram reels replace TikTok 2021? Instagram technology better the TikTok?

Instagram Reels or TikTok: which one to choose?

Is Instagram reels the same as TikTok? Will Instagram reels replace TikTok 2021? Is TikTok or Instagram better? Can reels beat TikTok? What are the features of Instagram? How to get the new Instagram feature? How do I see someone's Instagram likes

Is Instagram reels the same as TikTok?
Is Instagram reels the same as TikTok?

In the world of social networks, 2021 is undoubtedly marked by the rise of a format that is appearing more and more on our screens: that of short, creative and viral videos. This strong trend accelerated from the first confinement, a period during which users needed, more than ever, entertaining content. Two behemoths are now competing in the ring: Instagram with its Reels format, and TikTok. Which one will you choose?

TikTok has established itself on the podium of the most downloaded social platforms; this did not leave the giant Facebook indifferent, which very quickly added the Reels feature to its Instagram platform.

Will Instagram reels replace TikTok
 Will Instagram reels replace TikTok

The world of Influence Marketing must adapt to these new uses. Sequenced video is an engaging vector to get people talking about their business. Yes, but here it is: as a brand, which platform to choose between TikTok and Instagram Reels for its future influencer campaigns? Here are some answers.

TikTok is a hit, Instagram responds brilliantly

What are the major differences between TikTok and Instagram Reels?

1. TikTok, a dedicated application

2. More developed features on TikTok

3. The race for statistics on both platforms

4. A target specific to each social network

An algorithm easier to understand on TikTok

What influence strategy on TikTok? Is it a platform that all brands can use?

TikTok is a hit, Instagram responds brilliantly

The figures speak for themselves: TikTok is the most downloaded application in the world for the whole of 2020 (1) . This success was marked by peaks in downloads and views during the lockdown periods. Like bubbles of escape and entertainment, TikTok videos have even appealed to a population older than those usually addicted to the platform.


What are the features of Instagram?
What are the features of Instagram?

The success of the Chinese network is not about to run out of steam and the first 2021 figures are already very promising. In July 2021, TikTok reached 3 billion downloads (1) and appears as the most downloaded application (excluding games) in the first half of 2021 with an estimate of 383 million first downloads (1).

Faced with these maddening figures, Instagram's response, with its Reels, has also borne fruit. The app, which has already captured more than 1.3 billion monthly active users worldwide in July 2021 (2), has easily made its Instagram Reels popular. Sephora France obtains more than 453,000 views (3) on each Reel. Another example with the fashion influencer June sixty five who obtained more than 2.7 million views (3) on her outfit change transition.

What are the major differences between TikTok and Instagram Reels?

1. TikTok, a dedicated application

First big difference, TikTok is a dedicated application so you have access to videos as soon as the application is opened. On the Facebook group's platform, Instagram Reels are one format among others (like Stories) available from the Explore page or a dedicated tab.

2. More developed features on TikTok

On audio, TikTok stands out. It gives its users the opportunity to create their own sounds and why not be part of the trends of the moment!

If TikTok is enjoying great success with millennial today, it is in part thanks to its video editing tool. The mounting possibilities are almost endless. Instagram also offers a library of effects, a little less rich.

For a long time, TikTok was the only one to offer videos of up to 60 seconds. Enough to leave room for creativity and enough time to convey a brand message. Recently, Instagram Reels can also last up to 60 seconds.

Instagram scores points on e-Commerce; this is also one of the reasons why it quickly became the N ° 1 platform on which brands invest in marketing influence. Good news, the platform now offers the shopping functionality to Reels.


Is TikTok or Instagram better?
Is TikTok or Instagram better?

3. The race for statistics on both platforms

On the statistics side, things are moving since Instagram has brought some new features to the professional dashboard. Brands and content creators now have access to essential data on the reach of their content: number of accounts reached, number of registrations and number of shares. Enough to catch up with its competitor TikTok, which already offered detailed analyzes to its users.

Instagram data, combined with purchases from the platform, enables content creators to better reach and monetize their target audiences.

4. A target specific to each social network

Finally, a very important point when defining your influence strategy, the audiences are not the same on TikTok and on Instagram.

The user of TikTok in France is a very young woman, aged 13 to 24. On Instagram, users are a little older, between 25 and 34 years old.

TikTok users seem to be very active on the platform. In addition to spending time there (1 hour (4) per day on average versus 30 minutes (5) on Instagram), they willingly interact with the content that is pushed to them: likes, comments, shares.

The engagement rate on TikTok is exploding, unlike Instagram where it even tends to decline. Competition is tougher on Instagram since it is necessary to succeed in emerging among a community of 1.386 billion (5) monthly active users in the world (versus 732 million (6) monthly active users on


Is TikTok or Instagram better?
Is TikTok or Instagram better?

An algorithm easier to understand on TikTok

One of the biggest concerns of content creators or brands on social media is undoubtedly the algorithm. On TikTok, the “For You” page breaks all records by selecting personalized content based on viewing history. That's the strength of TikTok: suggesting new videos to members of your community. It doesn't matter whether or not you subscribe to the creators behind this content. Instead, on Instagram, users view video content from people they are subscribed to. The Explore section and the tab dedicated to Reels still seem to be very little consulted. 

Good news, you don't need to be famous or have a large number of subscribers to emerge on TikTok. This is a shocking argument for brands wishing to make themselves known through a viral campaign. The challenge is then to succeed in creating the buzz with engaging content to be assigned a favorable score by the platform. The more interactions your content generates, the more you increase your chances of being visible.


What are the features of Instagram? How to get the new Instagram feature
What are the features of InstagramHow to get the new Instagram feature

Even if Instagram's algorithm remains opaque, some good practices can easily emerge thanks to Instagram Reels. Just like on TikTok, videos should be short and creative. Objective: to capture from the first sequence, thanks to the visual and the audio, so as not to lose the audience. Storytelling also has its role to play. The sequenced and rhythmic format is perfectly suited for sharing educational content or tutorials, teasing, communicating on the launch of a product or even for fashion brands wishing to show changes in outfit.

What influence strategy on TikTok? Is it a platform that all brands can use?

First and foremost, you should take the time to define upstream the scope of your influence campaign on TikTok and especially your target. If your brand wants to rejuvenate its image and capture a new Generation Z audience, TikTok is the right place to launch its campaign. As seen above, the audience is younger there than on Instagram. Be careful, however, to appropriate the communication codes with this target, or to surround yourself with good content creators.

Then, if your goal is to improve your brand awareness, then TikTok can do the trick. Your content is more likely to be displayed to the greatest number of people. Remember that its users are primarily looking for entertainment so it takes creativity to emerge. The brand challenge is an excellent lever to generate buzz around a product launch, for example. The more participants there are, the more visible the challenge. The challenge is viral and boosts the visibility of a brand as soon as it is clearly associated with it (brand hashtag). It is also the format par excellence to create commitment. Among millennial. Each participant spontaneously invites other users to take up the challenge as a kind of challenge.



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How do I see someone's Instagram likes?

And if you're still telling yourself that your brand has nothing to do with TikTok, think again. Today, many examples, in various sectors, prove that everyone can have their place there, provided they master the codes of the platform.

Starting with the world of luxury, which was able to invest in TikTok very quickly thanks to very creative campaigns. Gucci has collaborated with renowned influencers, including Sananas and its 616,000 subscribers, to stage its latest collections.

Another example with the northern mail-order company La Redoute who launched the #La Redoute Challenge with 3 young influencers in order to rejuvenate its clientele. Results? 255 million views.


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